Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Dearest reader,

I have always told people that I aspire to become a broadcaster, but why only hope to become one when the internet can provide me with opportunities to broadcast myself to you? This is why I started interviewing and producing streeter interviews. 

The other motivation was to become a master broadcaster, because as Malcolm Gladwell stressed in Outliers, one must dedicate 10,000 hours to a specific field in order to become a master at it. Well, viewers, I am honoured that you are watching my 10,000 hours.

In addition to my streeter segments, I have had the privilege to interview students and alumni for UBCevents.  

I am a University of B.C. graduate with a degree in English Literature and minor in Sociology. Currently, I'm studying my first year at the BCIT Broadcast Journalism program.

I like to eat fleshy fruits (think mangos, avocados, and papayas), dance, and connect with people.

Keep on reading and watching; leave me a comment because I love reading them.
